The Kingdom Church

Mario C. Brown, Founder and Sr. Pastor
Auburn, AL is home to the Kingdom Church. Our church is under the dynamic leadership of
Pastor Mario C. Brown. Our vision is to reveal The Most-High God's power, will, and purpose for
our lives; to dispel erroneous biblical teaching, and to reconcile ourselves back to the
knowledge and original position of power and authority in The Most-High God.
Our ministry's mandate is to assist people in finding fulfillment and purpose for their actual
existence by teaching Kingdom Principles and the revelation of God's intention in creating man.
In March of 2020, the deadly COVID-19 Virus Global Pandemic impacted the world. In our
congregation's best interest, and as a protective measure against transmitting and contracting
the virus, we moved our church to a virtual platform. By doing so, we have connected with
many people across the United States and developed Kingdom relationships that otherwise we
may have never had.
We would love you to join us each Sunday at 9:00 am CT on the Zoom App Platform. Click here
for the link:
Contact us: (General Inquiries) (Pastor Mario C. Brown)